Wednesday, 28 December 2016


I have father, mother, 10 siblings, 3 brother-in-law, 2 sister-in-law,  4 niece and 2 nephew. In the paragraph that I wrote in the photo I said that my family members is 22. This is because I just got a new niece by this month that is why she does not include in that paragraph. She is so cute and adorable.
This is my familly photo
わたし の かぞく の しゃしいん

こんにちわ。わたし は がくせい です。に じゅ さい です。
Konnichiwa. Watashi wa gakusei desu. Nii jyu sai desu.
Hey, I am a student. My age is 20 years old.

This is my name card that I made by myself 😣

Tuesday, 20 December 2016

Let’s recognize hiragana and katakana alphabets.


Monday, 19 December 2016

This is the book that I use for Japanese learning purpose in class. This book really interesting. The pages are colorful and attractive. 
This book is suitable for the starter.

This is how to write my name and country in Japanese (Katakana)


Saturday, 10 December 2016

I'm attending japanese class at my university. So, I would like to share some of my lesson that I learned in this blog.


わたし は ファイルーズ です。
トレンッガヌ から きました。
どうぞ よろしく おねがいします >_<